Mission Trip to Guatemala 2010
July 31st - August 8th
with Hearts for Heaven Ministries

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why go to Guatemala City??

The world's attention has been tuned into the tragic events in Haiti this past week. My heart was grieved today when I watched a clip on 60 Minutes of a bulldozer lifting bodies off the ground and dumping them into the back of a dump truck. The camera panned across a parking lot, showing dozens of bodies strewn across the ground. The only thing that could be done was the quickly "clean up" for the sake of sanitation.

Tragic. Disturbing. Heart-breaking. These words don't describe enough the situation.

You may have heard during some of the reports that Haiti is generally regarded as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Well, Guatemala isn't too far behind.

In Guatemala City, there are large ravines and steep hills. The poor migrate from the far out districts of the country, in to the city in hopes to find work. They settle in any area possible, and many chose to set up their home on these hills. The result was what is known as "squatter settlements," vast camps of makeshift houses without any planned infrastructure or city utilities. No running water. No electricity (that isn't hot wired and rigged). No paved roads. Just a bunch of people living together on a hill.

The pictures below are of the squatter settlement from far away, and then much closer.

The work that Hearts for Heaven is doing in this squatter settlement is amazing. Over the past ten years, they have slowly established a presence in this growing community of over 100,000 people. With the help of short-term mission teams (just like the one we will be taking in August!), they have built a 3-story feeding center. On the first floor, children receive meals three times a week, for some this is the only food they get at all. On the second floor there are classrooms for a school. On the third floor, a multipurpose room for playing soccer, basketball or holding assemblies. Every week, this facility is crammed with children excited to play, to eat, and to hear the message that someone loves them.

Why are we going to Guatemala City this summer? Shouldn't we just send money? Shouldn't we try to go to Haiti where the need is maybe greater?

The answers to these questions can be debated, and ultimately each person has to decide what they are called to do. But what I know for sure is that there are hurting people in Guatemala City. And when I visit there, pick up a child, swing it around and laugh, I am able to bring love, hope and joy to a family in a tangible way.

I want to be a part of that whenever I can. Don't you?

The Hearts for Heaven building is the tall, peaked building in the upper left corner.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stepping Out in Confidence

A common response to the opportunity to go on a mission trip is something like, "I would love to go, but I don't have the time or the money. I want to, but don't think I can."

This morning, I read an interesting interpretation of the well-known story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people. Thomas Keating suggests that Jesus did not actually "multiply" the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish that were given to him. But rather,

"he took one step, and then stepped back and let God do the rest. What was that step? It was the extraordinary gesture of attempting to feed thousands of people with next to nothing...That gesture of confidence opened the hearts of the people...Others had supplies they had brought with them...When they saw Jesus make this extraordinary act of confidence in them, they reached into their sacks and pulled out all that was there. As they passed around their supplies, everybody had more than was needed...The greatest miracle is the opening of the human heart to the generosity of God.

The first step in responding to human need does not have to be a big thing, but may change the world."

Deciding to go on a mission trip to another country is a small step of confidence, demonstrating your faith in God. It is opening your heart to God's generosity, both in your desire to be generous to those in need, and your willingness to let God show his generosity in your life. Jesus himself did not have much to give. But he offered what he had to God, and his simple act of faith inspired those around him to help out, to pitch in, to follow his lead, and a miracle happened that is still being told today.

What might happen if you decide to take a step of faith? How might the people in your life respond? How might you be surprised by the generosity of God and other people?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Essential Information

So what are the details of the trip?? We are still working to get everything ironed out, and of course, anything can change. But here is what we know right now:

Projected dates: An 8-10 day trip, primarily during the first week of August (1-7). We will probably leave somewhere during the last few days of July, and return either Saturday night or Sunday, August 7, or 8.

Estimated cost: Flights range from $600-$750. The daily rate for housing and food is $50 (for 8-10 days is $400-$500). There also may be extra expenses for supplies. However, we do everything we can to keep the costs as low as possible. Final estimated cost: $1100-$1275

Who is this trip for? Anyone. Seriously. Our goal is to introduce and expose people to another world, another way of living, and the amazing opportunity to meet the people and children of Guatemala. Anyone who would be interested in that is welcome to come. If you are reading this and you think you would like to go, plan on going! If you know someone you think would like to go, tell them about this opportunity.

What will we be doing? Our primary task while in Guatemala is to help the ministry of Hearts for Heaven. (Check out their website here for detailed information about their work, or go here to watch a video). They do a lot of work across the whole country, so this could mean we will be doing a lot of work across the whole country! Most likely the trip will include a combination of Vacation Bible School with children, simple construction projects, and visiting families in homes.

How do I sign up or get more information? Send an email to schroeder.jesse@gmail.com - there is no required deposit or commitment yet, but let us know you are interested so we can keep you in the loop.

Announcing: Guatemala 2010

Hello everyone, and welcome to the central blogsite for all information and updates concerning the trip to Guatemala in 2010!! Bookmark this site, tell your friends about it, and check back often for updates, information, pictures, fundraising opportunities and more.

A video of the Hearts for Heaven Ministry