Mission Trip to Guatemala 2010
July 31st - August 8th
with Hearts for Heaven Ministries

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayer Requests

This is from a recent email sent from Roger Briggs (the missionary we will be working with).

Urgent Prayer Needs
We hope you are doing well. This is a breif note to let you know how things are going here.

This month seems to be the month for injuries to children.
Elmer & Jacqolyn
Elmer & Jacqolyn
Elmer & Jackolyn's Father died last year and they just now found out their Mom has cancer.
Elmer & Jacqolyn
Jose, the 11 year old son of a Pastor friend was hit by a van and is comatose in critical condition.
Another Pastor's son Miguel, was shot twice during an attack which killed his Mom.

Ludy a girl in our feeding program wrecked her bike and was hospitalized for a several days with stomach injuries, but is back home now.
Guatemala, for the most part, is a land of beautiful, peaceful people. But there is little regard for life, and systems for protecting it are non existant or broken. This allows opportunity for needy, broken people to harm others for their own gain. Yesterday another of Kevin's tires was punctured in an effort to rob him.
God has a huge plan (bigger than we can see most of the time) for each of us. Pray with us for the realization of that plan and especially in the lives mentioned above.

A video of the Hearts for Heaven Ministry