Mission Trip to Guatemala 2010
July 31st - August 8th
with Hearts for Heaven Ministries

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Supplies Needed

Here is a list of supplies we will be collecting in the next month for our upcoming trip:

Crayons for children’s crafts

o These can be in small boxes (4-6 crayons), or if you purchase larger packs, we will split them up into smaller bags.

- Small toys, to be put in gift bags

o Boys: Matchbox cars (already have about 200, but could use a few more), other small toys

o Girls: Hair barrettes, bows, or colorful ties. Simple bracelets, necklaces, or other colorful jewelry. Brushes, combs.

o Both: Hard candy (Jolly Ranchers, Dum Dums, mints, etc.) Stickers,

- Hygiene Items to be put in gift bags (all items must be travel size)

o Toothbrush / Toothpaste

o Deodorant

o Soap

o Shampoo

All donations must be collected by Tuesday, July 27th. If you would like to make a monetary donation to be used directly to purchase needed supplies and gifts, please make checks out to Hearts for Heaven.

The picture below is of a girl from the town of Santo Domingo. She received a gift bag, and you can tell she absolutely LOVED it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What is happening in Guatemala right now??

In the past few weeks the country of Guatemala has faced some major challenges. First, the volcano Pacaya erupted. This volcano has been active for many years, and is only a few miles outside of Guatemala City. The volcano spread about three feet of ash over the city, and killed 3 people.

Only a week or so later, a major tropical storm pounded the country with rain. Because many homes are built on the sides of mountains, built on mud foundations, and use only very primitive materials, the destruction was vast. Many homes were washed away or covered in mud.

This article has many vivid pictures of these and more natural disasters going on in Guatemala right now.

The good news is, we are going to help!! We will be in the country at a crucial time, ready to lend a helping hand and offer a word of encouragement. It's exciting to be a part of such an amazing country!!

A video of the Hearts for Heaven Ministry