Every time we plan a trip the biggest issue is money. And this year is no exception. In fact, it is probably harder than ever to talk about money given the current economic situation.
But we believe in a principle we call
"seed gifts." The idea is that we plant a seed of confidence, of faith, of believing in a person and believing that God believes in that person.
We believe in this trip to Guatemala and we believe in you. Maybe you have considered going, but money is a big concern for you. We want to help you get over that burden by planting a "seed gift." The amount could be anything. $100; $200; $250; $500. The money isn't the point.
The point is that we take a step of faith, demonstrate that we believe bigger and better things are to come, and we see how the small seed we plant matures and grows and produces more fruit down the road.
If you would like to go with us to Guatemala in August, but need some financial assistance in paying for your trip, simply email Jesse (schroeder.jesse@gmail.com) - answer these two questions:
Why do you want to go to Guatemala?
How much money would it take to convince you that God wants you to go on this trip??