Mission Trip to Guatemala 2010
July 31st - August 8th
with Hearts for Heaven Ministries

Friday, August 6, 2010

What we are hoping for today...

It's Friday morning, about 6:30 AM, and I just walked around the house and woke everyone up. We'll be leaving in about a half an hour for the village of Villa Canales again. We will head up into the hills of Colmenas where we are working on the house for Alicia. Our hope is to finish the construction on the house this morning, and perhaps even fix up the tin around the old house so it is more sturdy and better suited to keep the water out of the house.

Today Alicia is scheduled to work at the feeding center in La Primavera. So there is a chance we may not get to see her. However, we are hoping and praying that somehow we'll be able to speak with her. We have bought her several house warming gifts, including new beds, towels, sheets, blankets, and more. It would be an amazing experience to get to help her put these things in her new home. (Remember, her "new home" is about the size of a large bathroom, or small bedroom in the United States).

After we finish the house, our hope is to connect with Pastor Juan in Villa Canales. We haven't been able to get in touch with him today, but we hope to be able to do the VBS program with the children from his church. There could possibly be 70-80 kids, and we are bringing all of our supplies in order to be ready to do the program if necessary.

Then, our plan is to head to La Primavera one last time. The team really wants to visit one woman who we met on Monday. Her name is Rhodi, she is an old grandmother, and she lives up on the hill in the squatter settlement. She told our team about how her children had left her, and she is now raising her grandchildren alone. On Monday she was feeling sick and was really struggling. The team decided to buy some simple gifts for her - a new apron, some cups and plates, and a bucket. We are planning to find her again today and give her these gifts.

If you are reading this blog post on Friday, please pray for us that all of these small details will align, that the weather will cooperate, and that God will show us the way to go today. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys every morning~ Nicholas was one of my students (and his grandma is one of my dear friends)...very strong heart and loves the Lord...I cannot wait to hear of all that he has tasted and seen outside of our bubble in Plano. I know that God is doing great things. As I read about the rain storm, it offered a sweet reminder of how often we forget (in Plano) our dependence on our God...and how He continually comes through and provides! He is big indeed! Thank you for the wonderful updates! I LOVE seeing you guys serving the Lord and watching Him work there while He is working here, at camp in Colorado, etc. all the same time! Praying for refreshment for you ugys and hearts wide open to the message and freedom of our Sweet Savior! Count it all joy!


A video of the Hearts for Heaven Ministry